Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard

Precio regular
$ 99.95 USD
Precio de venta
$ 99.95 USD
Los gastos de envío se calculan en la pantalla de pago.

    NOTA: ESTE ES SOLO EL BOZAL: el cabestro GG y todos los demás accesorios se venden por separado.

    El bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard es realmente el bozal de pastoreo más cómodo del mercado. Limita la entrada de hierba tanto como un bozal de canasta tradicional, pero es más cómodo, más liviano y más fresco con un diseño abierto patentado que permite respirar y beber sin restricciones. Hechos de un material no tóxico, semiflexible, duradero y que no absorbe la humedad, los bozales de pastoreo GreenGuard a menudo duran mucho más que los bozales tradicionales porque los caballos no están constantemente tratando de quitarlos y destruirlos.

    El bozal viene con 4 correas de seguridad separables que se sujetan a un cabestro estándar (recomendamos un cabestro de seguridad), o se puede unir a uno de nuestros cabestros GG especiales que tiene un anillo en la muserola para sujetarlo fácilmente, una correa central para la cara para estabilización , y nariz y corona acolchadas. El cabestro GG se vende por separado.

    TAMAÑO (solo EE. UU. y Canadá): estos bozales están diseñados para adaptarse a un tamaño mucho más grande que los bozales tradicionales. Si su caballo está entre tallas, le recomendamos que elija la talla más grande. El tamaño del caballo generalmente se adapta a los caballos con una broca de 5 a 6 pulgadas. Pony: broca de 4,25-4,75 pulgadas. Mini: broca de 3,5-4 pulgadas. A continuación se muestra una tabla de ejemplo de tamaños.

    Precaución: Es posible que los tamaños de caballos y ponis no encajen en algunos tipos de bebederos automáticos si el diámetro es inferior a 10 pulgadas. Verifique para asegurarse de que el bozal se ajuste a su bebedero antes de realizar el pedido.

    ENVÍO: Clientes fuera de EE. UU. y Canadá: comuníquese con el distribuidor GreenGuard de su país para comprar productos GreenGuard fuera de EE. UU. y Canadá. Envío estándar gratuito en todos los pedidos de EE. UU. Para costos de envío y detalles, vea nuestro página de envío .

    También tenemos videos tutoriales para ayudarlo a determinar el tamaño correcto:

    tabla de tallas de bozal de pastoreo greenguard
    Tutoriales en vídeo:
    La configuración completa
    Este es nuestro tutorial completo paso a paso sobre cómo configurar el bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard antes de que toque a su caballo. Desde colocar las correas hasta conectarlo al cabestro, este es un tutorial completo.

    Conecte el bozal a un cabestro estándar
    ¿Tu caballo tiene un cabestro en el que se siente cómodo? Este video le muestra cómo conectar el bozal GreenGuard a un cabestro típico. Esto es especialmente útil si su cabestro no tiene una correa de cara central. Si desea esa estabilidad, también puede transformar su cabestro con el conjunto convertidor de vellón equino GG. También puede evitar frotar la nariz o la barbilla de su caballo usando un poco de cinta de gorila.

      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      grazing muzzle dimensions sizing fitting
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard
      Bozal de pastoreo GreenGuard



      Which is the right size?

      GreenGuard muzzle sizing is based on your horse's nose circumference and bit size. See our complete muzzle sizing guide.

      You can also watch a full and detailed walkthrough video on our YouTube channel.

      How to connect the straps?

      As a rule, the muzzle is angled properly when the front strap is longer, and the rear strap (behind the chin) is very short for size 5 (horse) and Size 4 (pony). For size 3 (mini) the straps tend to be more or less the same length.

      Here's our best practices video for our leather breakaway straps. It includes our recommendation to cinch them down with electrical tape. Loopy straps can get caught on things and breakaway prematurely!

      Will it work with my horse's halter?
      • The GreenGuard muzzle is compatible with just about any halter you've ever tried. It's just a matter of finding the right connection points, keeping the muzzle from sliding, and using a breakaway safety halter. Here's our tutorial on attaching a GreenGuard muzzle to a standard halter.
      • You can also convert any halter into a GG-style halter - with a center face strap - by using our fleece converter set. The fleece helps prevent rubs while the center strap provides an anchor for the front muzzle strap.
      How can I check that I got the right size for my horse, pony, mini, or donkey?

      Here are a few of our fit check tutorials. Our Support Team is also always happy to assist,

      Horse & Pony Fit and Adjustment Check

      Mini & Mini Donkey Muzzle Fit and Adjustment

      Prevent and Manage Rubs

      Here is our general tutorial covering all of the major causes and solutions for muzzle and halter rubs.

      Nose and Chin Rubbing:

      Our Muzzle Rub Protector Stickers adhere to the muzzle panel to prevent chafing and rubbing, or you can DIY this option using smooth tape (our preference is gorilla tape).

      Have a draft or draft cross whose mouth is just a little too big for the Size 5 (Horse) muzzle? We have a DIY procedure for expanding the back panel. Note: it will void your warranty, so reach out with any questions.

      Jaw Rubbing:

      If your horse is developing a rub under their jaw area between their chin & cheek bones, we have a video about treating jaw rubbing.

      Can i cover muzzle holes?

      Our leather muzzle inserts are useful, not only in extending muzzle life and being gentler on horse teeth, but also for aiding in grass restriction. We've developed two approaches to additionally restrict or further customize grass intake.

      1. Customize the size of the holes to restrict grass intake
      2. Temporarily block all holes for a medical reason/procedure or farrier visit
      Muzzles and Tooth Wear

      According to the National Equine Welfare Council's "Grazing Muzzle Guidance," all grazing muzzles carry a risk of tooth wear. The NEWC recommends your horse get at least an annual check by an equine vet or dental specialist.

      This video addresses everything we know to date about preventive measures and solutions for tooth care while using a grazing muzzle.

      We highly recommend cleaning your GreenGuard muzzle and checking your horse's teeth regularly when they are wearing a muzzle.

      Finally, leather and rubber muzzle inserts have been designed to prolong the life of your muzzle and to wear faster and be gentler on horse teeth. If you horse has existing tooth wear, we recommend the leather insert.

      How much do muzzles restrict grass intake?

      According to the National Equine Welfare Council's "Grazing Muzzle Guidance," "grazing muzzles can reduce grass intake by up to 80%." (skip to 4:24 in the video link for the exact quote)

      In practice, real grass restriction depends on a number of factors: the grazing muzzle, the horse that is wearing it, how long the grass is, and how practiced the horse is at grazing in a muzzle, among others.

      What is undeniable is that horses in grazing muzzles get more exercise than horses in stalls or in dry lots. A turned-out, muzzled horse gets less grass and more exercise, both of which contribute to weight management.

      If your horse requires further grass restriction than the muzzle alone, there are solutions. Muzzle inserts cover an additional 30% (leather) to 50% (diet) of the available grazing area.

      We have also developed methods for further customizing the size of the GreenGuard muzzle holes or temporarily blocking all holes for a medical reason/procedure or farrier visit.

      You can read more details about the muzzle and insert restrictions, and the best way to monitor weight on our blog post, "How much do muzzles restrict intake?"

      Is there a "Diet" insert for the mini muzzle?

      The mini leather insert blocks part of the muzzle holes right down the center, making the muzzle holes about 30% smaller (see photo below).

      Because of the mini muzzle's unique curvature, they typically aren't able to graze through the outer edges very well, so their actual open grazing area is quite small with the leather insert. The leather insert also makes the muzzle grazing surface much thicker. Most owners find that the leather insert provides the right amount of restriction and is comparable to the diet inserts in the other two sizes even though it doesn't look as restrictive.

      While you can customize the size of the mini muzzle's holes, we do not recommend doing this unless you have been advised by a vet or nutritionist that they need this level of grass restriction.

      Fitting Instructions

      A detailed, full-color fitting guide comes packaged with every new GreenGuard Grazing Muzzle. You can download that instruction leaflet here.

      We also have a page here on the website with even more in-depth fitting info about our muzzles.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 139 reviews
      Francine H.
      Great muzzle

      My horse is insulin resistant and he has a tendency to gain a lot of weight. He's been wearing a greenguard muzzle now for about seven years, with great success. I purchased a second muzzle not long ago to have as a backup, in case straps break and I need to do repair work on the muzzle he's wearing. I've also recommended GG to friends, two of whom have purchased muzzles also.
      If you need to muzzle - go Greenguard!

      Lisa M.

      Product was as promised and delivered quickly. This muzzle is the only one that holds up for our horse!

      Monique S.M.
      She loves it!

      My borderline laminitic mare lives on pasture, no dry lot or stalls. Laminitis was a real possibility. I tried every other design and she hated them. With the GG muzzle and halter I have a happy mare. She actually drops her head into the halter and muzzle because it means she can go out. Thank you for your wonderful product.

      Tabbie M.

      Great product but high priced!

      CHERISE G.G.

      The Best muzzle I have tried out of many; although they are able to break this
      One also.. but was pleasantly surprised that it was actually covered by the warranty. Everyone at my barn that needs a muzzle is now using this one.