Inserto de bozal - Dieta

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$29.95 USD
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    Hecho de un material suave, flexible y similar al caucho, este inserto no tóxico se asegura en la parte inferior empujando las lengüetas del inserto a través de las ranuras correspondientes* en la boca. Muy seguros una vez en su lugar, estos insertos se pueden quitar, pero tomará un poco de trabajo sacarlos. ¡Pero esto es algo bueno ya que significa que tu caballo no lo quitará antes que tú!

    *Nota: si tiene un bozal de estilo antiguo sin ranuras laterales (anterior a 2022), su bozal no será compatible con este inserto. En su lugar, deberá comprar nuestro inserto de cuero sin mesa .

    El inserto "dietético" tiene orificios un 50 % más pequeños para restringir aún más el pastoreo. Razones por las que puede considerar el uso de un inserto:

    • Reduzca aún más la ingesta de su caballo. Tenga en cuenta que este inserto es severamente restrictivo, así que asegúrese de que su caballo esté acostumbrado a pastar sin un inserto antes de usarlo.
    • Proteja su bozal del desgaste excesivo y prolongue su vida
    • Tenga un material más suave para la superficie de pastoreo de su caballo: el material es gomoso y más suave que el propio bozal.

    Tamaños: Disponible en tamaños de bozal para caballo y pony. No hay tamaño mini disponible, pero tenemos un inserto de cuero para los minis , haga clic aquí para el inserto de cuero mini .

    PRECAUCIÓN: asegúrese de que su caballo se sienta cómodo pastando en el bozal GreenGuard antes de usar insertos, especialmente el inserto de dieta, ya que es extremadamente restrictivo.

    ENVÍO: Clientes fuera de EE. UU. y Canadá: comuníquese con el distribuidor GreenGuard de su país para comprar productos GreenGuard fuera de EE. UU. y Canadá. Envío estándar gratuito en todos los pedidos de EE. UU. Para costos de envío y detalles, vea nuestro página de envío .


    Cómo usar los insertos GreenGuard

    Videos adicionales de inserción:

    ¿ Qué inserto es adecuado para mi caballo?

    Adapte un bozal más antiguo (anterior a 2022, sin ranuras) para aceptar inserciones

    Inserto de bozal - Dieta
    Inserto de bozal - Dieta
    Inserto de bozal - Dieta
    Inserto de bozal - Dieta
    Inserto de bozal - Dieta
    Inserto de bozal - Dieta



    Which insert is right for my horse?

    In 2022, GreenGuard muzzles began featuring slots around the base of the basket. These slots accommodate muzzle inserts, which are designed to prolong the muzzle body's life and provide a softer, more yielding surface for aggressive grazers. There are two rubber varieties from GreenGuard: standard and "diet."

    GG Equine also offers two varieties of leather insert, a tabless leather insert which can be made to work with any size GreenGuard muzzle, and a tabbed one for use with the horse-size. This video tutorial and this comparison chart give you a full, detailed evaluation of our entire line of inserts - rubber and leather - so you can make the best choice for your horse and their specific muzzle.

    Can my horse use the "diet" muzzle straight out of the package?

    We highly recommend that your horse be familiar with grazing in a GreenGuard muzzle before you turn them out with a "diet" insert. If you have any questions, please reach out!

    My muzzle has no slots

    Older-style (pre-2022) GreenGuard Grazing Muzzles do not have slots to receive muzzle inserts. We have a do it yourself tutorial showing how to adapt your muzzle to receive a muzzle insert. This works best with the mini leather insert though there are other options as well.

    Cleaning the rubber insert

    The rubber GreenGuard muzzle inserts - both standard and "diet" - are made from a soft, pliable, rubber-like material. They are just as easy to clean as the muzzles themselves.

    All you need is some water and a cloth to wipe away any debris that may get embedded into the insert in the course of normal grazing. We recommend rinsing and wiping away any grit or sand at every opportunity to prevent undue tooth wear.

    Use Inserts to Modify Intake

    The "diet" rubber insert restricts grass intake by an additional 50% over the muzzle alone. Please make sure your horse is used to wearing and grazing with a muzzle before using the "diet" insert.

    You can also adapt the "diet" insert to allow a little more grass for easy keepers who need additional grass restriction, but not as little as the "diet" allows.

    All of our leather muzzle inserts restrict grass intake a little bit more than the muzzle alone. You can further customize the size of the holes by placing a plastic sheet with your preferred hole size between a leather insert and the muzzle. This technique works best with our leather inserts.

    Can I Block All Muzzle Holes?

    Is your vet or farrier coming and you have a bit of a reactive horse, or one who needs no grass leading up to a medical procedure? We have developed a way to block all holes in the muzzle temporarily using a plastic sheet.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 10 reviews
    Alicia R.
    Happy Horse

    We’ve just started using the Greengard grazing muzzle- initially I was worried because my horse could easily get out of it when we just tried it on in the stall, but without the door/walls to help him, he’s perfectly content to leave it on in the pasture. I like that it doesn’t seem to bother him- he’s not trying to rub his head on me on our way outside, not snorting, etc like he always had with traditional muzzles. So far, so good!

    Alicia, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns. First time using the GreenGuard muzzle can be anxiety-inducing for both horse and owner, but we're so glad to hear you've both sort of settled into a routine with it! Something about the open design and having a more natural range of motion for their mouths and jaws seems to lead to a more positive experience for many horses. Even if they don't 'love' it; you have to count it as a win when they tolerate it! If you or your horse ever have any questions or issues, please reach out to We're here to help you both.

    Rod G.
    Good service

    We like the muzzle products, and we stock up when the sales go on. Rod

    Thanks so much for entrusting your herd's turnout to our muzzles and accessories, Rod. We're grateful for your business!

    Cinda H.
    Insert works great.

    Insert works well and fits muzzle perfectly. Love these muzzles and all the design thought that went into them. Great product.

    Cinda, thanks so much for entrusting your horse's turnout time to GG Equine's products. We are always trying to innovate and find new and different ways to keep horses safe, healthy, and comfortable on grass. We're so glad to hear the diet insert is helping manage grass intake so well for y'all. We'd love to see a photo of your horse out on pasture if you ever get a good one! Please stay in touch and don't hesitate to reach out if you or your horse ever have any questions.

    Carrie C.
    Works great

    I like that it attaches directly to the halter. A simple and very effective design.

    Cricket G.
    Game changer

    Great to have on hand to use when grazing needs to be more restricted. Allows my horse to stay with the herd even when his diet requires additional restrictions. Love it!

    Cricket, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the 'diet' insert. It is very restrictive, so we're glad to hear it's making a difference when your horse needs additional limits on his grass intake. That social time with herdmates is so necessary to their mental health and emotional well-being!